
Handsel Publishers, Ltd. is a small publishing company with a positive spin on life. Our Mission is to publish material of an uplifting, creative, curious, or informative nature. Our goal is to provide both fiction and non-fiction media in which readers will find literature, down-home tales, humor, or creative stories in which something educates, captivates, or “just makes you feel good.”

We work with good writers to deliver quality content. Writing, though, is only the beginning.  Then comes the editing: proofreading, copy editing (aka line editing), developmental editing, or structural editing. Other tasks are formatting the interior; deciding on title and subtitle; designing the cover; writing back cover and book description content; the actual ebook and print publishing; and the plethora of tasks involved in promotion and marketing. We’re working to assemble high quality resources in support of our purpose: publishing for independent authors!

We publish articles about a vast array of topics on a related small press site, Handsel Publications.

For political or societal commentary supporting workers, job stability, and prosperity for the combined working-middle class, try United We Stand for All.

The brains behind this outfit… 

Our founder has been described as a benign non-conformist — someone who lives and experiences life on her own terms and values, and is not overly concerned with how humankind at large may judge that life path. “I’m a pioneer at heart,” she says, bearing that out not only in having built a small ranch from bare ground on the prairie of The Other Colorado, but also in working her way across Wyoming on a wagon train on the Oregon Trail.

“I seem to attract things and experiences that have to be written about,” she explains, apologizing for the ending preposition. “That’s why I created Handsel Publishers.”

Oregon Trail, Wyoming


Browsing through an old dictionary given to me by a friend, I happened to open to the G-H section, and the word “handsel” caught my attention. I recall it was defined as a token of good luck. When the location of my old dictionary eluded me, I found www.dictionary.com defines handsel as: 1. a gift or token for good luck or as an expression of good wishes, as at the beginning of the new year or when entering upon a new situation or enterprise. 2. a first installment of payment. 3. the initial experience of anything; first encounter with or use of something taken as a token of what will follow; foretaste.

It seemed perfect!